Meditation, Yog(a)

Rainy Season.

Quiet, still, timeless. I am in the love with the nature. I am grateful.

Now in the Monsoontime, I spend hours just watching the rain. After all the heat, car and human noise, now everything became quiet. It’s healing. Rishikesh, Northern India and the Ganga (Ganges) are laying in white clouds and fog. It is a time of recharging energy, the plants are growing and showing rich, lightgreen leaves. They are breathing, like we are. We are celebrating in silence and taking rest from the pollution, crowd and noise.

It’s the time of resettlement, it’s time to realize and focus. It’s time to breath, just breath. To be.

A few days ago I took a walk next to this amazing holy river Ganga. The water of the Ganga is very high, after the rain and it flows incredible fast. Still she’s quiet and washes all the dirt from the last year, without a word of judgment, away.

I spend half an hour sitting next to a temple on the water, watching the waves and bubbles. Watching sometimes a plastic bottle, sometimes a coconut going down the river, listening deeply to the teachings of nature.


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